Ministry FOCUS
Volunteer Driven
Word Based
SEED is the acronym for ‘Students Encountered Encouraged & Discipled’. It is the student wing of the ministry. Sharing the good news of the Lord Jesus with students in both schools and colleges, many students get an opportunity to make a decision to follow the risen Savior. They are then encouraged through the discipleship training, Bible studies and other programs that SEED organizes. SEED also does regular outreaches and special occasion events in colleges and retreats.
Summer Tree is one of the annual camps exclusively for students held every year in Chennai. This confluence of young people for 3 days is filled with Biblical messages, games & activities, music, skits, choreography, worship & workshops. Evangelistic in nature, the camp offers an opportunity to the participants to hear the gospel and make a commitment to follow Jesus.
Summer Tree is followed by discipleship camp and leadership camp.
PACT the acronym for ‘Professionals Attaining Christ-like Traits’ is the working professional’s wing of the ministry. With a vision to develop young professionals with Christ-like traits, the endeavor is to help them be fruitful witnesses for Jesus in their place of work. This includes imparting practical training on Biblical principles related to work, addressing challenges faced at the workplace and ways to deal with them by giving pre-eminence to Jesus.
Working smart, integrity, prioritizing what is important, a Biblical view of work, dealing with your superiors, these are some of the topics that are dealt with. Working professionals are also encouraged to involve themselves actively in missions.
SALT (Sishya Advanced Leadership Training) is an annual conference hosted for young working professionals. Faced with the dilemma of living the Christian life in a secular setting, many a young believer looks for successful role models who have been there and done it right. SALT gives a perfect platform to meet with leaders who have applied Biblical standards without succumbing to the pressures of the corporate rat race. The lives of the leaders are replete with God stories that are sure to offer wisdom and courage to a believer confounded by the divide between the secular and the sacred.
Three Strands is the ministry of Sishya among young couples. In a world where living as families is “OLD FASHIONED” this is a prayerful effort to bring back to its rightful place God's first institution "Family". With the motto, ‘one family touched….. Generations touched! the endeavor is to affirm the Biblical understanding that marriage constitutes 3 – Husband, wife and God. Through the ministry of Three Strands we help couples to grow in their relationship with Jesus and with each other.
Marriage enrichment workshops and retreats are regularly held to train couples on various aspects of marriage and to really establish themselves as a Godly unit in their community. Roles of husbands and wives, finance management, dealing with your in-laws, parenting and conflict resolution are just some of the topics dealt with in these workshops.
Sishya along with its ministry in the urban areas, have a strong focus on the villages. With a missionary couple based in Khammam, Andhra Pradesh, it is the first rural mission field of Sishya ministry. By extending support to the pastors in different villages, the ministry in Khammam has made a fruitful impact in many of the villages in the area.
Along with evangelism and discipleship, the ministry is also involved in the setting up of tuition centers, tailoring centers, providing financial help for education of deserving students etc. youth camps are organized for the rural youth to build and nurture them up in the faith and Bible study groups have been formed in the villages to grow in the knowledge of Scriptures.